Benifits for Your Child attending Private Day Nursery before starting Primary School
There's no doubt that parents want the best for their children and they also want their children to excel in life. This largely depends on the quality of early education that your children receives. Renowned professors of education reported that children who experience early education are likely to do much better that those who get exclusive care at home.
Studies reveal that children who had the longest exposure to nursery education performed very well in the national tests of maths, reading and writing, at the age of seven. This is true for children from all social backgrounds and therefore you should consider sending your child to a day nursery in Aylesbury like Kids Kingdom Day Care.
How Children Benefit from Nursery Education?
According to Parents advisor Kathleen McCartney, a PhD and Dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "There's increasing evidence that children gain a lot from going to preschool". McCartney says that children are exposed to numbers, letters and shapes at an early stage and they also learn to socialise, share space with other children and get along with other children. All this helps children when they start attending primary school. NIEER (National Institute for Early Education Research) director W. Steven Barnett, PhD also says, "Children who attend pre-school have better pre-reading skills, stronger mathematical skills and richer vocabularies than who do not".
To support this, even the professors from the Oxford, London and Nottingham universities found that children who attended pre-school were almost 5 months ahead of children who were entirely brought-up at home, when these children started going to primary school at an average age of 4 years and 9 months.
The social interactions and playtime that the children experience in nursery help in the child's growth and development of personality. They also learn basic problem solving that helps immensely when they start primary school.
Introducing your child to a new environment suddenly can have adverse effects on the child's behaviour. He/she might get frightened or refuse from going to school altogether. So it is necessary for your child to be familiar with the school environment. Another advantage children attending a day nursery in Aylesbury have over those who don't is that they develop the 'school going' habit slowly and gradually. Children have to stay longer in primary school compared to nursery school, therefore it is more beneficially for your child to form a habit from an earlier age. The nursery teachers are specially trained so they know how to help children to adapt to the new environment. Make Sure You Choose the Right Nursery School To make sure the transition to primary school is smooth; you need to put your child in a good nursery school. This means you have to find a nursery school with appropriate programs, trained staff and teachers and the right environment to encourage various developments in your child. Consider the location and check whether the nursery school is licensed. Check the curriculum, the safety measures and whether the staffs are friendly or not. You also need to make sure that your child feels comfortable and happy when attending the nursery school. It's never too late to start thinking about your child's early education, so it's time that you start sending your child to a nursery school.