Importance of Safety and Hygiene at KKDC, a reputed Day Care Nursery in Aylesbury:
Day care nurseries in Aylesbury provide child care and education to young children. Parents generally choose a day nursery near their home or workplace as it is convenient for them to drop off and pick up the child. People also choose day care nurseries based on the quality of care, affordability and curriculum which the nursery provides. However, safety and hygiene are two other important aspects which parents should consider while enrolling their children at day care nurseries in Aylesbury like KKDC.
Importance of a Safe Environment
Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to dealing with children below 5 years. They do not really understand what is good for them and what is not. For example, what they should not play with to avoid getting hurt. The entire area at the nurseries you consider should be childproofed. The ratio of caregiver to a child should be within the recommended standards.
• 1 caregiver – 3 infants
• 1 caregiver – 3 children less than 2 years
• 1 caregiver – 4 children for 2 – 3 years of age
• 1 caregiver – 8 children for 3 – 5 years of age
Here are few factors which you should check while putting your child in a nursery: Children are never left unattended by the caregivers.
• Stairs are blocked properly by gates so that children cannot access the stairs.
• Clean toys are given to children during play time.
• Small objects should not be lying around as these might end up choking them.
• The cribs should not be placed near windows or window blinds.
• Doors should be secured with door stoppers to avoid accidents.
• Furniture made of safe play material with no sharp edges.
• If changing chairs are used, they should have straps to secure the child during the process.
• First aid kit is available and should have an on-call doctor in case of an emergency.
KKDC, a day care nursery in Aylesbury maintains all the safety standards to make sure your child is safe throughout their nursery life.
Importance of Hygiene
Children are more prone to infections as compared to adults. This is due to low level of immunity and resistance in a child's body. The chances of catching an infection is even more when they attend nurseries as children share rooms, common space, toys, furniture etc. with other children during their stay at the nursery. If hygiene is not maintained at the nursery, the whole environment could be contaminated with bacteria or viruses. Children will catch infection easily and will miss attending the nursery regularly. And, this certainly is not what parents look for when it comes to childcare during their absence.
The reason for sending babies and toddlers to day care nurseries in Aylesbury is for proper child care and education. If children fall sick frequently because of the unhygienic environment at the nursery then it will certainly have an impact on the child's learning and development.
At KKDC (Kids Kingdom Day Care), hygiene is of utmost importance. Here, we not only promise quality care but also maintain all other aspects to keep your child safe and healthy during their stay here.